Rule 1910 - Actions For Support(a) All actions for support shall be given a number by the Domestic Relations Section and forwarded to the Prothonotary for docketing.(b) The respondent or defendant shall be served by certified mail, regular mail, or enforcement officer required to attend a conference at a definite time and place. (1) On a date to be specified by the Domestic Relations Office, but not later than five (5) working days preceding scheduled support conferences, the defendant shall submit to the Domestic Relations Office a copy of the following: a. a true copy of his or here most recent Federal Income Tax Return as filed; andb. his or her pay stubs for the preceding six months; andc. a completed income and expense statement on the forms he or she received from the Domestic Relations Office.(c) At conference, following procedures as provided by Pennsylvania Rule of Civil Procedure No. 1910.11, if any agreement is obtained for support at the amount suggested by the initiating court, an agreement shall be signed by the respondent or defendant which shall be submitted to the court.(d) If no agreement is reached at the amount suggested by the initiating court, then the procedure set forth in Pennsylvania Rule of Civil Procedure No. 1910.11(f) shall be followed.(e) Actions to be instituted in the 44th Judicial District should be referred to the Domestic Relations Section, which will forward petitions to other jurisdictions and to the Prothonotary for filing.44th Jud. Dist. Rule 1910