Rule 5105 - CONFIDENTIALITY. EXHIBITS UNDER SEAL(a) The Proponent of an exhibit containing confidential information or confidential documents, as defined in the Case Records Access Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania (Policy), shall include a confidential document form, prepared in compliance with the Policy, so the exhibit may be sealed by the Records Office.(b) Exhibits sealed by the Court during the Court proceeding shall not be accessible by the public. (f) The Custodian or Records/filing Office, as may be applicable, shall maintain all nondocumentary evidence(1) in a Civil, Orphans' Court or Domestic Relations matter until the later of the expiration of the appeal period from the final disposition of the case, as otherwise required by any applicable retention schedule, law, rule, regulation or policy, or as directed by the Court;(2) in Criminal and Juvenile Court proceedings until the later of the expiration of any applicable retention schedule, law, rule, regulation or policy, or as otherwise directed by the Court.Adopted effective 2/1/2024.