Rule 105.1 - APPROVAL OF SURETIES AND BONDSMEN, LIMITATIONS(a) Sureties and bondsmen required at the commencement of actions shall be approved by the Court. No attorney, sheriff's officer, officer of the court, or person concerned in the issue or execution of process, shall become bail except by written leave of Court.(b) Individual Sureties When other than corporate security is offered, the party offering it shall at the same time present an affidavit of justification of the surety in the following form for approval of the Court:
State of Pennsylvania
County of Schuylkill
________________________, being duly sworn, depose(s) and says(s):
1. I (we) reside at ______________in the County of ___________and are by occupation ______________.2. I am (We are) the owner(s) of real estate in said County of ___________, consisting of a piece of ground in size __________________, situate at No. ______, in the _________________of ____________________, which is improved with the following buildings:3. The said property was obtained by me (us) by deed or will from ________________________in the year ______, the title is in my (our) name(s) alone, and the deed or will is recorded in Schuylkill County in Deed (Will) Book Volume ____, page _____.4. I am (We are) surety for the following named persons, and no others, in the following amounts:5. I (We) do not contemplate the sale of the above described property and am (are) not now negotiating any sale of the same.6. There are no encumbrances upon said property, except:7. The said property has not been offered and accepted as bail or security for any other bail or bond still in force, except ____________________.8. The above property is assessed by the County for taxation in the sum of $______________, and I (we) believe that at present said property would sell for $______________County Assessment Code No. ________.9. I (we) have read over the foregoing affidavit and swear the facts set forth therein are true and correct. Sworn and subscribed before me this ____ day of _________, 20___.
Amended effective 3/1/2021; revised 2/23/2022; amended effective 2/1/2024.