Pot. Cnty. Pa. L512

As amended through March 15, 2024
Rule L512 - Board Of Assessment Appeals

The Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure shall be applicable to all assessment appeals filed in Potter County before the Court of Common Pleas.

In all cases where an appeal is taken from a real estate assessment fixed by the Board of Assessment Appeals, the petition for allowance of appeal shall have attached to it a photocopy of the appealed-from order of said board and shall have attached to it a proposed preliminary decree which shall provide:

1. that the appeal to court is permitted and said case is to proceed in conformity with the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure.
2. that within five (5) days from the date of the preliminary decree, appellant shall serve a copy of the petition and preliminary decree upon the board, upon the Board of County Commissioners, the governing body of the municipality and the Board of the School Directors of the school district in which the real estate is situate, and upon the property owner, if he/she is not the appellant.
3. that the taxing authorities aforesaid and the property owner, if he/she is not the appellant, be and are hereby entitled to intervene as parties appellee.

The appeal shall be scheduled by the Court Administrators for a nonjury trial upon the filing of a Praecipe to List for Trial. Listing a case for trial constitutes a certification by the listing attorney that the case is in fact trial ready. The Praecipe shall include a statement of concurrence or non-concurrence of the trial listing from all other parties. The party placing a case on the trial list shall forthwith serve a copy of the Praecipe upon all other counsel of record, who, if for any reason oppose such certification, shall within ten (10) days thereafter file their reasons opposing listing.

Pot. Cnty. Pa. L512

Amended effective 4/18/2019.