Pot. Cnty. Pa. L430
Whenever service by publication is authorized by law or rule of court and the manner of publication is not otherwise specified, such service shall be made by publishing the required notice one time in a newspaper of general circulation in Potter County, unless otherwise required by law or Rule of Court. Affidavits of publication shall be filed in the Prothonotary's office.
Unless otherwise provided by an Act of Assembly or rule of the court, a copy of each paper filed in any case, other than the writ, complaint, or other process by which an action is commenced, shall be served by the party filing it promptly upon all other parties to the litigation or their attorneys of record. The manner of service shall be in conformity with Pa.R.Civ.P. 440. No matter shall be considered by the court unless there has been filed either a proof of service, acceptance of service or certificate of service.
It is the responsibility of the moving party to serve all scheduling orders upon opposing counsel and pro se litigants. Unless otherwise directed, Orders and Opinions originating from the Court, will generally be sent to all counsel of record and pro se parties by the Prothonotary with a notation that the Order has been circulated by that office. If the Court or Prothonotary does not have the address of the opposing party the moving party shall be responsible for service upon the opposing party. When in doubt the moving party should be vigilant to serve opposing counsel and pro se litigants. Proposed orders submitted by counsel which are executed by the Court shall be returned to counsel for service on all interested parties and proof of service shall be field with the Court.
Pot. Cnty. Pa. L430