Rule L205.2(a) - Filing Legal Papers With The Prothonota(a) All papers filed with the Prothonotary in an action at law or in equity and in other matters designated shall be prepared for flat filing and shall be on letter-sized paper, 81/2" x 11".(b) All papers described in (a) above shall be bound at the top, not the side, so that they may be assembled with other papers in the case in a top bound file cover.(c) Motions and petitions shall be filed with the Prothonotary or clerk of the Orphans Court for presentation to the court.(d) Except for matters of extreme emergency and routine matters that are not contested, no motion or petition requesting ex parte action shall be heard by the court unless prior notice of its presentation has been given to opposing counsel of record.(e) Proposed Orders shall be filed with all motions, petitions, and rules as a matter of course.(f) All motions, petitions, and rules shall contain a certificate of concurrence or non-concurrence from the opposing party counsel or an explanation of why the same cannot be obtained.(g) Pleadings filed with the Prothonotary by facsimile will generally not be accepted and shall not be effective unless followed by the filing of an original pleading. There may be rare instances where a fax is acceptable due to any emergency situation; however, even in those cases, the original is to be properly filed with the Prothonotary as soon as is possible. Filing by facsimile must be pre-approved by the Court, the Prothonotary/Clerk of Courts, or a Deputy of the Prothonotary/Clerk of Courts. If this emergency procedure is followed the date the facsimile is received shall be the effective filing date.Amended effective 6/21/2017; amended effective 4/18/2019.