Rule 137 - Court Access For Persons With Disabilitiesa.General Rule. The Municipal Court shall comply with Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. § 12131 et seq.b.Accommodations Generally.The Court shall make reasonable accommodations to allow people with disabilities to participate in Court business as parties or witnesses.c.Accommodations for Persons Unable to Travel to Court.The Court shall offer reasonable accommodations to parties or witnesses who, as a result of disability, are unable to travel to Court or attend regularly scheduled Court proceedings without such accommodations. The Court shall reasonable offer accommodations including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Services by telephone (unable to leave home) - hearing by telephone
- mediation by telephone
- assistance in preparing or filing court papers
3. Modified Scheduling/Locations - special listings (for parties or witnesses who can appear only on certain days, at certain times, or who are unable to stay in Court for a long time)
- flexible listing (for parties or witnesses who may arrive late because of special transportation needs)
- remote location hearings or mediations (for parties or witnesses able to travel short distances but not to the courthouse)
d.Procedure1. At least three business days prior to a court proceeding, or within three business days after service of the complaint, whichever is later, parties or witnesses with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations by telephone, by letter or in person.2. The Court shall provide to each applicant a verification form to document the requested accommodations and the disability involved, together with a copy of this rule. The Court shall offer and provide assistance in completing the form, if necessary.3. Within one week of receipt of a completed verification form, the Court Administrator or his or her designee shall notify the applicant orally and in writing as to what accommodations will be provided. The Court may in its discretion require the applicant to provide proof of the disability, such as a doctor's letter or other medical documentation.4. Any applicant shall have the right to appeal the Administrator's decision relating to accommodations on a form provided by the Court with the Administrator's decision. The appeal shall be decided by a Municipal Court judge in a recorded proceeding.5. Following receipt of a timely request for accommodation from a party, the Court shall not take any action in the case that is adverse to that party pending notice of its decision under Rule 137(d)(3).Adopted May 19, 1995, effective 7/10/1995.