Per. Cnty. Pa. 5.10

As amended through July 17, 2018
Rule 5.10 - Public Sale Of Real Property
(a) After allowance of public sale of real property, the petitioner shall, in addition to such notice as required by law, give notice of the sale to each interested party. The notice may be given by first class mail and must be given at least twenty (20) day prior to the date of the proposed sale. In addition, notice of the sale must be published at least one time in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the real property is located.
(b) The published public notice of the sale shall contain the following information:
(i) the address of the property and the municipality in which it is located;
(ii) the area of the property in terms of acres or square feet;
(iii) a list of the improvements of the property, if one is available;
(iv) a deed or survey description of the property, if one is available
(v) the name of the grantee of the last recorded deed for the property, together with the deed/record book or instrument number.

Per. Cnty. Pa. 5.10