Rule 10 34(a) - Motion For Judgement On The Pleadings(1) All motions for judgment on the pleadings shall be accompanied by a brief in support of the motion and praecipe for argument court in substantially the form set forth under L.R. 1028(c)(2)(A).(2) If the motion for judgement on the pleadings is not accompanied by a brief and/or praecipe for argument court, the Prothonotary shall time-stamp and docket the document and shall advise the filing party that no action will be taken on the matter until there has been compliance with the requirements of L.R. 1034(a)(1).(3) The Prothonotary shall deliver a copy of the motion for judgement on the pleadings praecipe for argument court and the brief to the court administrator.(4) The party filing the motion for judgement on the pleadings shall serve a copy of the motion, praecipe for argument court and brief on the opposing counsel or pro se opposing party or parties within five (5) days of the filing date and shall file a certificate of service in the Prothonotary's office.(5) The motion for judgement on the pleadings shall be disposed of in accordance with the procedures for argument court set forth in L.R. 1028(c)(2)(E).