Rule 2974* - Writ of Possession(a) Where a writ of possession is issued pursuant to a judgment of possession based upon a residential lease containing a warrant of attorney or cognovit provision, the writ shall have attached to the face thereof a notice substantially in the following form: See Form
(b) The writ and notice shall be served by the sheriff, but no further eviction proceedings shall be undertaken until the expiration of twenty (20) days after the service of the writ and notice.(c) A stay of execution of the writ of possession may be obtained by the filing of a petition therefore in accordance with Pa.R.C.P. 3162, conditioned upon posting of a bond in an amount to be determined by the Court in a manner similar to that required by Pa.R.C.P.J.P. 1008B.(d) Anyone presenting a petition for stay in accordance with subdivision (c) shall make a reasonable attempt to notify the plaintiff or his/her attorney of the date, place and time when the petition for stay will be presented to the Court.