Rule 212.1*(d) - Certification Required for Trial List(1) When a case is ready to be placed into the civil trial inventory, counsel must file a trial praecipe containing a certification by filing counsel that all counsel of record consent to the filing of the trial praecipe. Consent must be affirmatively obtained, but the signatures of all counsel are no longer required on the trial praecipe. The consent of unrepresented parties to the filing of the trial praecipe is not required. If all parties to an action are unrepresented, however, any such party may file a trial praecipe(2) Certification shall state that no motions are outstanding and that all discovery has been completed.(3) No discovery shall be permitted after certification unless by agreement of counsel or permission of Court.(4) If any attorney refuses to join in certification of the case, counsel who wishes the case listed shall request a conference with the designated Judge, and give five days' notice of that appointment to other counsel. Thereafter the Judge shall rule on whether the case is ready for listing and may order the case listed on motion of counsel if in the opinion of the Court the case is ready for certification.Montgo. Cnty. Pa. 212.1*(d)
President Judge's note. Local Rule 212.1 *(d) Conferences - Members of the Bar are advised that the Board of Judges has agreed to discontinue the practice of ordering cases on the civil trial list where discovery has not been Montgomery County Local Rules of Civil Procedure 8 Rev: 8/03 completed, and allowing for discovery to be ongoing. Delays in completing discovery may be addressed through traditional available mechanisms; court orders, with sanctions for failure to comply. - President Judge Joseph A. Smyth, February 1998.