Montgo. Cnty. Pa. 1920.42(d)*(3)
I,_________________ , hereby state that I am the Plaintiff in the above-captioned divorce matter, that I
am familiar with the signature of Defendant, and that the signature that appears on the following document(s) is that of the Defendant.
Check all that apply:
______ Acceptance of Service of the Divorce Complaint
______ Signature on Certified Mail Receipt
______ Property Settlement Agreement dated ______________________ (insert date)
______ Affidavit of Consent under 3301(c) of the Divorce Code
______ Affidavit under 3301(d) of the Divorce Code
______ Counter-affidavit under 3301(c) or 3301(d) of the Divorce Code (circle the applicable section)
______ Waiver of Notice of Intention to Transmit the Record
______ Other (if this section applies, list the document(s)):
I verify that the statements made in this Verification of Defendant's Signature are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that false statements made herein are subject to the penalties of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904 relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.
Date: ________________________________
Signature of Plaintiff
Montgo. Cnty. Pa. 1920.42(d)*(3)
This data is incomplete.