Monr. Cnty. Pa. 576.1
The electronic filing of legal papers in the Court of Common Pleas, 43rd Judicial District, is authorized in accordance with Pa.R.Crim.P. 576.1 and this rule. The applicable general rules of court and court policies that implement the rules shall continue to apply to all filings regardless of the method of filing.
Any legal paper submitted for filing to the Clerk of Courts in a paper (or "hardcopy") format, whether required or permitted under this rule, shall be accepted by the Clerk of Courts in that format and shall be retained by the Clerk of Courts as may be required by applicable rules of Court and record retention policies. The Clerk of Courts shall convert such hard-copy legal paper to pdf, add it to the electronic system, and return the paper copy to the filer, except those legal papers excluded from electronic filing pursuant to Pa.R.Crim.P. 576.1(C). Once converted to pdf, the pdf version of the legal paper shall be deemed and treated as the original legal paper and may be used by the parties and the Court for all purposes, including but not limited to, court hearings and trials in the Court of Common Pleas, 43rd Judicial District.
Applicable filing fees shall be paid through procedures established by the Clerk of Courts and at the same time and in the same amount as required by statute, Court rule or order, or published fee schedule.
Electronically filed legal papers, and copies of legal papers filed in a paper format as provided in subsection (F), shall become the record on appeal.
Counsel and unrepresented parties must adhere to the PUBLIC ACCESS POLICY OF THE UNIFIED JUDICIAL SYSTEM OF PENNSYLVANIA and refrain from including confidential information in legal papers filed with the Clerk of Courts or the Court whether filed electronically or in a paper format. Counsel and unrepresented parties must include confidential information relevant to the case on th e a p p roved AO PC Confidential Information Form. The Confidential Information Form shall be served on and made available to the parties to the case, the Court and appropriate Court staff, as provided in the Public Access Policy.
The Clerk of Courts shall provide sufficient computer terminals at such locations as may be determined from time to time to allow parties and the public to file and access legal papers as provided by this rule and as authorized by applicable Public Access Policies.
Monr. Cnty. Pa. 576.1