Rule 210 - Briefs. Forms. Content. Filing(1)Form. Each brief shall be typewritten, printed or otherwise duplicated, endorsed with the name of the case, the Court, the term and number, and the name, address and telephone number of the attorney or the party if not represented by an attorney.(2) Content. The brief shall include a statement of the facts, a statement of the question involved, and the argument.(i) The statement of the facts shall, depending upon the nature of the case, consist of an abstract of the testimony or of the pleadings or both, and shall include a procedural history of the case showing how the issue is made up and how the case arises before the Court.(ii) The statement of questions involved must be so drawn that the Court may quickly determine all the legal questions to be decided.(iii) The argument shall be divided into as many parts as there are questions involved. Citations of authority shall be accurately designated, shall set forth the volume and page number where they appear, and shall set forth the exact citation of the principles for which they are cited. Whenever a Pennsylvania statute is cited, the pertinent title and section number of Purdon's Statutes shall also accompany said citation.(iv) Whenever testimony is abstracted or referred to, it must contain reference to the pages of the transcript where the supporting evidence may be found. (3) Filing. Fifteen (15) days before the date set for argument, the moving party shall deliver a copy of his brief to the adverse party and file a copy with the Prothonotary. The respondent shall deliver his brief to the moving party and file a copy with the Prothonotary five (5) days before the date for argument. No supplemental brief shall be filed except upon special allowance by the Court and within such time as the Court may direct. (4) In all other proceedings scheduled for hearing before the Court, all counsel shall provide the Court with a brief or memorandum of law setting forth legal authorities relied upon. Such brief or memorandum of law shall be provided to the Court at the time of the hearing unless otherwise specified by these rules or by order of court. (5) Penalty for Noncompliance. Failure to substantially comply with any requirement of this rule shall constitute a default for which the cause of action may be continued or stricken off the list or the application of the parties in default refused, as the Court may deem just and proper. (6) Informal Letter Briefs. Notwithstanding this rule, the Court may in any case allow counsel to file an informal letter brief.