Rule 528 - Percentage Cash Bail Systema. A defendant charged with a crime in Mercer County, or a third party surety who is not a professional bondsman or an agent or representative of a professional bondsman, may if authorized by the Issuing Authority or the Court execute a bail bond and deposit with the Issuing Authority or Clerk of Courts by depositing money equal to ten percent (10%) of the amount of bail set, but in no event less than fifty dollars ($50.00).b. The money furnished shall be receipted for, deposited, accounted for, forfeited or returned in accordance with Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure 535 and 536.c. If there has been no forfeiture, upon full and final disposition of the case, the Clerk of Courts or Issuing Authority shall retain any bail-related fees or commissions authorized by law, and the reasonable costs, if any, of administering the cash bail system. The balance shall be returned to the person who deposited it with the Issuing Authority or the Clerk of Courts within twenty (20) days of full and final completion of the case. Notice of the full and final disposition shall be sent by the Clerk of Courts to the person who originally posted the money at the address of record upon a full and final completion of the case. Any money not claimed within one hundred eighty (180) days from the date the notice is sent of the full and final disposition of the case shall be deemed as fees and shall be forfeited to the use of the County of Mercer.INSTRUCTIONS FOR POSTING BAIL
1. Both a resident and a non-resident may be eligible to post percentage cash bail at the discretion of the District Justice or the Judge of the Court of Common Pleas.2. You must post 10% of the bail as set by the District Justice or the Court, but in no event less than $50.00.3. The defendant must attend all Court hearings in his case, or be subject to being placed in jail on a Bench Warrant issued by the Court, and subject to the bail money being forfeited.4. After the defendant's case is completed, the Clerk of Courts Office will return the bail to the surety. Bail will be returned only to the person who posted it within twenty (20) days of the full and final completion of the case.5. The surety is liable to forfeit 10% of the bail amount which has been posted, and if the defendant does not appear as ordered, 100% will be forfeited. I HAVE READ OR HAD READ TO ME THE ABOVE INFORMATION, AND I FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS.
` Defendant
Witness _________________________
Date ___________________________
This application is to be filled out by any person placed on bail.
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