Rule 210 - Form Of BriefsBriefs shall be in the form prescribed by Pennsylvania Rule of Civil Procedure 210, and shall consist of concise and summary statements, separately and distinctly titled, of the following items in the order listed:
(1)Matter before the Court: State the particular pleading (motion, petition, objection, exception, application, etc.) before the court for disposition, and the particular relief requested therein.(2)Statement of the question(s) involved: State the issue(s) in question form containing factual context sufficient to present the precise matter to be decided by the Court; each susceptible of a yes or no answer; each followed by the answer advocated.(3)Facts: State the material facts.(4)Argument: State the reason(s) why the court should answer the questions involved as proposed, including proper citation of authorities.Adopted July 19, 2004, effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.