Merc. Cnty. Pa. 1.2:8

As amended through November 4, 2016
Rule 1.2:8 - Individual Sureties
a.Application for Approval. Justification for Surety -- Except as otherwise provided by paragraph (b) of this Local Rule, an application for the approval of an individual surety shall be accompanied by a justification of surety, in affidavit form, of the proposed surety, setting forth:
1. name, residence address;
2. location of the real property owned;
3. a brief description of the real estate and what it consists of;
4. how, or from whom, the real estate was obtained and when obtained;
5. that the surety or sureties do not contemplate selling of said property;
6. any encumbrance upon the real property;
7. the assessed value of the property for taxation purposes;
8. a certification of the value of the said property.
b.Bond Without Surety. Confession of Judgment--The Court, in its discretion, may permit a party in interest to execute an individual bond, without surety. When a party in interest is authorized to execute an individual bond or individual surety is approved, the Court may direct that the bond to be executed contain a warrant of attorney to confess judgment, with or without default, and that judgment thereon be entered of record in the Office of the Prothonotary.

Merc. Cnty. Pa. 1.2:8

Amended effective 10/1/2004.