Rule 1.2:11 - Court Depositorya.Official Depository -- The Court will, from time to time, designate a banking institution as the official depository of the Court.b.Deposits -- Moneys and securities paid or delivered into the Court shall immediately, upon the receipt thereof by the Clerk, be deposited with the Court depository or to the credit of the proper estate or proceeding. The depository shall keep separate accounts for each payment and delivery and designate each by name of the proper estate or proceedings.c.Withdrawal Orders -- No money shall be paid or delivered by such depository except upon the check or order of the Clerk, countersigned by a Judge of the Court, and accompanied by a certificate endorsed on the check or order, under the hand of the Clerk and the seal of the Court, that the money or property was ordered to be paid or delivered.d.Accounting by Clerk -- Each year, or at such other times as the Court may direct, the Clerk shall have the bank or deposit book settled by the depository and shall make and present to the Court an account of the moneys paid into and out of the account, and shall exhibit the deposit book as a voucher for the correctness thereof.Amended effective 10/1/2004.