Rule 1.2:1 - Argument Courta.Time -- Argument Court shall be held on the first Monday of each month unless otherwise specially ordered by the Court in any particular case.b.Listing and Notice thereof -- All cases for argument shall be placed on the Argument List at least thirty (30) days prior to the argument by praecipe to the Clerk. A copy of the praecipe ordering the case on the Argument List shall be sent to the opposing counsel and to the Court Administrator by the party placing the case on the Argument List, which praecipe shall include the name of the opposing counsel and whether the matter listed requires the taking of testimony.c.Scheduling -- The Court Administrator shall give notice to all counsel that the case has been placed on the Argument List and said notice shall contain the date upon which argument will be held. The Argument List shall also be published in the Mercer County Law Journal prior to argument.d.Briefs -- At least fifteen (15) days before the date of Argument Court, it shall be the duty of counsel for the rule or motion, or petitioner, exceptant or party filing preliminary objections, or who has the affirmative, to serve on adverse counsel a typewritten brief on paper 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches in size, double spaced, except for quotations containing a concise statement of the relevant facts, the questions involved, the argument, and the authorities relied upon. Counsel for the adverse party may prepare a brief which need only contain an argument and authorities relied upon, but counsel may add a counter statement of the facts, and a counter statement of the questions involved. Unless counsel does so, however, it will be assumed counsel is satisfied with them or such parts of them as remained unchallenged. At least five (5) days before Argument Court, counsel shall serve a copy of the reply brief upon opposing counsel, and copies of both briefs shall be delivered to the Court Administrator at least five (5) days before Argument Court. If either party fails to file a brief in accordance with these Local Rules, the Court shall dispose of the argument without brief.Amended effective 10/1/2004.