Lyc Cnty. Pa. 702
Whenever the prothonotary is requested to mark any judgment satisfied, whether by praecipe or otherwise, the person making or filing the request shall first satisfy the prothonotary by affidavit, and, if required by the prothonotary, by additional proof that he is the owner of the judgment or is otherwise duly authorized by such owner to cause the judgment to be marked satisfied or is a member of the bar and that the signature on the praecipe or satisfaction to be noted on the docket is genuine and authentic. Filing the affidavit required by this rule may be waived by the prothonotary only when a member of the bar of this county, known to the prothonotary or to a deputy prothonotary in attendance, appears in person in the office of the prothonotary for the purpose of satisfying a judgment. No judgment shall be satisfied by or on the order of any attorney at law unless such attorney shall have first entered his appearance for the plaintiff (defendant on a counterclaim).
Lyc Cnty. Pa. 702