Lyc Cnty. Pa. 1302.1

As amended through July 1, 2023
Rule 1302.1 - Appointment of Arbitration Panels. Substitution
A. Once every four months, the court administrator shall select the names of sixty-four attorneys from the list of arbitrators, for appointment to one of sixteen panels of four attorneys each. No more than one member of a particular family, firm, professional corporation, or association shall be nominated to serve on one panel.
B. Each panel will consist of three arbitrators and a substitute. Notice of the appointment shall be sent to the members of the panel by the court administrator's office.
C. In the event an arbitrator is unable to serve as appointed, he or she must notify the substitute of the conflict and then notify the court administrator, as well as the other members of the panel and the parties or counsel of record, of the substitution. In the event the substitute has already been called into service by another arbitrator on that panel or is otherwise unable to serve, the arbitrator shall contact the court administrator for the selection of an alternate arbitrator.
D. Each panel will be appointed to sit for one full day during the four-month period and hear up to two cases on that day, which will be scheduled for one-half day each.

Lyc Cnty. Pa. 1302.1

Amended effective 5/24/2023.