Rule 1302 - Certification For Arbitration(a) When a case is ready in all respects, an attorney or a party may file a Certification for Arbitration with a time-stamped copy delivered to the Office of Court Administration. The form of the Certification for Arbitration shall be provided by these rules. At least 30 days prior to the filing of a Certification for Arbitration, an unrepresented party (pro se) or attorney must notify all other unrepresented (pro se) parties or attorneys of one's intention to file the Certification for Arbitration. All required information must be completed on the Certification for Arbitration. Failure to provide the required information will result in the Certification for Arbitration being rejected. All hearings shall be conducted at the Luzerne County Court House.(b) In the event that there is a dispute between or amongst the parties as to whether or not a case is ripe for the filing of a Certification for Arbitration, any party may file a Petition and Rule Returnable for hearing on said issue which shall be made returnable for hearing in Miscellaneous Court in accordance with the normal scheduling process in regard to same. The Court shall then determine suitability for arbitration.(c) The following form, or a form substantially similar, shall be used as the Certification for Arbitration: Click here to view image