Leh. Cnty. Pa. 507
The District Attorney of Lehigh County having filed a certification pursuant to Pa.R.Crim.P. 507:
Criminal complaints and arrest warrant affidavits by police officers, as defined in the Rules of Criminal Procedure, charging one or more of the following offenses shall not hereafter be accepted by any judicial officer unless the complaint and affidavit has the approval of an attorney for the Commonwealth prior to filing:
Murder of any degree - 18 Pa.C.S. § 2502
Voluntary Manslaughter - 18 Pa.C.S. § 2503
Involuntary Manslaughter - 18 Pa.C.S. § 2504
Drug Delivery Resulting in Death -18 Pa.C.S. § 2506
Criminal Homicide of Law Enforcement Officer - 18 Pa.C.S. § 2507
Criminal Homicide of Unborn Child - 18 Pa.C.S § 2604
Voluntary Manslaughter of Unborn Child - 18 Pa.C.S. § 2605
Assault by Prisoner - 18 Pa.C.S. § 2703
Assault by Life Prisoner - 18 Pa.C.S. § 2704
Recklessly Endangering Another Person - 18 Pa.C.S. § 2705
Discharge of a Firearm into an Occupied Structure - 18 Pa.C.S. § 2707.1
Stalking - 18 Pa.C.S. § 2709.1
Ethnic Intimidation - 18 Pa.C.S. § 2710
Neglect of Care-Dependent Person - 18 Pa.C.S. § 2713
Abuse of Care-Dependent Person - 18 Pa.C.S. § 2713.1
Weapons of Mass Destruction - 18 Pa.C.S. § 2716
Strangulation - 18 Pa.C.S. § 2718
Statutory Sexual Assault - 18 Pa.C.S. § 3122
Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse - 18 Pa.C.S. § 3123
Sexual Assault - 18 Pa.C.S. § 3124.1
Institutional Sexual Assault - 18 Pa.C.S. § 3124.2
Sexual Assault by Sports Official, Volunteer or Employee of Non-Profit Association - 18 Pa.C.S. § 3124.3
Aggravated Indecent Assault - 18 Pa.C.S. § 3125
Causing or Risking a Catastrophe - 18 Pa.C.S. § 3302
Robbery of Motor Vehicle 18 Pa.C.S. § 3702
Threats and Other Improper Influences in Official and Political Matters - 18 Pa.C.S. § 4702
Aggravated Cruelty to Animal - 18 Pa.C.S. § 5534
Firearms Not to be Carried Without a License - 18 Pa.C.S. § 6106
Possession of Firearm by a Minor - 18 Pa.C.S. § 6110.1
Possession of Firearm with Altered Manufacturer's Number - 18 Pa.C.S. § 6110.2
Possession of Firearm with Altered Serial Number - 18 Pa.C.S. § 6110.2
Certain Bullets Prohibited - 18 Pa.C.S. § 6121
Sexual abuse of children - 18 Pa.C.S. § 6312
Unlawful Contact with Minor - 18 Pa.C.S. § 6318
Sexual Exploitation of Children - 18 Pa.C.S. § 6320
Transmission of Sexually Explicit Images by Minor - 18 Pa.C.S. § 6321
Aggravated Assault by Vehicle - 75 Pa.C.S. § 3732.1
Homicide by vehicle while driving under influence - 75 Pa.C.S § 3735
Aggravated Assault by Vehicle while driving under the influence - 75 Pa.C.S. § 3735.1
Accidents involving death or serious bodily injury - 75 Pa.C.S. § 3742(b)(2) and (3)
Criminal solicitation to commit any of the above offenses - 18 Pa.C.S. § 902
Criminal conspiracy to commit any of the above offenses - 18 Pa.C.S. § 903
Police criminal complaints or arrest warrant affidavits shall not hereafter be accepted by any judicial officer unless the complaint and affidavit has the approval of an attorney for the Commonwealth prior to filing where the complaint or arrest warrant are for the rearrest of a defendant previously discharged, or to reinstitute a charge or charges previously dismissed by an issuing authority for failure to prove a prima facie case, provided the current and the former cases arise out of the same criminal episode.
Arrest warrant affidavits shall not hereafter be accepted by any judicial officer unless the arrest warrant affidavit has the approval of an attorney for the Commonwealth prior to filing in any case where the affidavit contains information, the disclosure of which, in the opinion of the police, would endanger the safety of an informant, jeopardize the integrity of an ongoing criminal investigation, or which for any other reason should not be disclosed at or about the time of the execution of the warrants. The judicial officer shall ask the police, prior to accepting an affidavit, whether it contains any such information, and if the police indicate it does, the judicial officer shall require that it be submitted to an attorney for the Commonwealth for approval in accordance with this Rule. If the police indicate it does not, the judicial officer shall accept the affidavit.
1 The term ["delinquent act"] shall not include:(i) The crime of murder.(ii) Any of the following prohibited conduct where the child was 15 years of age or older at the time of the alleged conduct, and a deadly weapon as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 2301 (relating to definitions) was used during the commission of the offense, which, if committed by an adult, would be classified as: (A) Rape as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3121 (relating to rape). (B) Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3123 (relating to involuntary deviate sexual intercourse.(C) Aggravated assault as defined in 18. Pa.C.S. 2702(a)(1) or (2) (relating to aggravated assault).(D) Robbery as defined in 18. Pa.C.S. 3701(a)(1)(I), (ii) or (iii) (relating to robbery). (E) Robbery of motor vehicle as defined in 18. Pa.C.S. 3702 (relating to robbery of motor vehicle). (F) Aggravated indecent assault as defined in 18. Pa.C.S. 3125 (relating to aggravated indecent assault).(G) Kidnapping as defined in 18. Pa.C.S. 2901 (relating to kidnapping). (H) Involuntary manslaughter. (I) An attempt, conspiracy or solicitation to commit murder or any of these crimes, as provided in 18. Pa.C.S. § 901 (relating to criminal attempt), 902 (relating to criminal Rev. 7/2018 solicitation) and 903
Leh. Cnty. Pa. 507