Rule 9.0 - Appointment And Compensation of Auditors And MastersA. The Court may, on its own motion, or upon petition of the accountant or his attorney, or of any other interested party, appoint an Auditor or Master, who shall be, in the absence of special circumstances to be determined solely by the Court, a member of the Bar of Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. However, the Court may, in its sole discretion, at any time after the appointment of an Auditor or Master, recall the matter for attention by the Court.B. The Petition for the Appointment of an Auditor or Master shall contain the following information when applicable: 1. The identity and residence of the Petitioner;2. The relationship if any of the Petitioner to the decedent;3. In the event the decedent left a Will, a copy of the Will or deed of trust is to be attached as an exhibit to the petition;4. In the case of intestacy, the identity and address of all of the heirs of the decedent entitled to share in the estate;5. A statement disclosing the gross amount of the estate and the net amount available for distribution;6. A brief statement as to the legal or factual issues to be determined by the Auditor or Master; and7. The identity of all local counsel as attorney for any interested parties.C. No suggestion, stipulation, motion or agreement by the parties or their counsel as to the identity of the person to be appointed Auditor will be considered under any circumstances.D. Any person appointed by the Court as an Auditor or Master under these rules shall be compensated by reasonable and customary fees as are agreed upon by the attorneys of all interested parties, or as fixed by the Court and paid from such sources as the Auditor or Master shall direct.E. The Auditor's or Master's hearing shall be held at a time and place indicated by the Auditor or Master not later than forty-five (45) days after the Auditor's or Master's appointment, unless such time be extended by stipulation of all counsel of record or by Order of Court. The Auditor's or Master's hearing shall be held in the room or place assigned by the Court Administrator.F. The report of the Auditor or Master shall be returnable within ninety (90) days after his appointment. The return date shall be extended only upon application to the Court and for good and sufficient cause shown.