Rule 211 - Disposition Of Motions And Petitions(a) To assign a motion or petition to a judge for disposition or to schedule a motion or petition for argument where a rule returnable does not set a schedule, a party shall file with the Clerk of Judicial Records and the Court Administrator a Praecipe for Assignment. See Appendix, Form 2.(b) Prior to filing a Praecipe of Assignment, the moving or petitioning party shall contact counsel for all other parties of record to determine whether an opposing party or lawyer wishes to present oral argument. The moving or petitioning party shall indicate on the Praecipe for Assignment whether the matter is being submitted on briefs and without the necessity of oral argument or is to be scheduled for argument by the Court Administrator. No Praecipe for Assignment will be accepted by the Clerk of Judicial Records or the Court Administrator unless the moving or petitioning party has indicated in writing whether the matter is to be submitted on briefs or scheduled for oral argument. (c) The Court Administrator shall assign motions and petitions to the judges of the court on a rotating basis and shall establish a briefing schedule for the parties.(d) The original of a party's brief shall be filed with the Clerk of Judicial Records and copies shall be provided to the assigned judge and all opposing counsel in accordance with the schedule set by the Court Administrator.(e) If the moving or petitioning party fails to timely file and serve a brief, or fails to appear at oral argument, if requested, the matter may be dismissed by the court as of course. The judge to whom the matter has been assigned may grant additional time for the filing of briefs or may require supplemental briefing by the parties.(f) If any party other than the moving or petitioning party fails to timely file and serve a brief, that party may be deemed not to oppose the motion or petition and may not be allowed to present oral argument.(g) No case listed for argument will be continued except for good cause shown to the satisfaction of the court.Amended effective November 2014.