Rule 1037 - Judgment Upon Default For Repair Of Property(a) In all actions in which the only damages to be assessed are the cost of repairs heretofore made to property, the plaintiff may seek judgment upon default assessing damages for the cost of repairs by filing, with a praecipe waiving any other damages under such judgment, the affidavits required by subsection (b) of this rule and, by sending to the defendant by registered mail directed to his or her last known address, a copy of the repair bill and the affidavit of the person who performed the repairs required by subsection (b) of this rule, together with a notice setting forth the date of the intended assessment of damages, which date shall be not less than ten (10) days from the date of mailing of the notice. Said notice shall contain a statement that damages will be assessed in the amount of the repair bill unless, prior to the date of intended assessment, the defendant files a written praecipe with the Clerk of Judicial Records requesting trial on the issue of such damages.(b) Together with the praecipe waiving any damages other than the cost of repairs, the plaintiff shall file an affidavit indicating the date of the mailing to defendant of the notice of the intended assessment of damages and an affidavit of the person who performed the repairs containing an itemized repair bill setting forth the charges for labor and material used in the repair of the property and a statement indicating the qualifications of the person who made or supervised the repairs, that the repairs were necessary, and that the prices for labor and material were fair and reasonable and those customarily charged.(c) If the defendant fails to file with the Clerk of Judicial Records prior to the date of intended assessment of damages a praecipe requesting a trial on the issue of such damages, the plaintiff on or after the date of intended assessment of damages may file a praecipe directing the Clerk of Judicial Records to enter judgment in plaintiff's favor in the amount of the repair bill which the Clerk of Judicial Records shall promptly do.(d) In the event that the defendant does file a praecipe requesting a trial on the issue of such damages, the case shall proceed as any civil action and shall be subject to arbitration if the amount in controversy is an amount requiring arbitration.Amended effective November 2014.