Rule 1919 - Mandatory Seminar For Separating Parents1. In all divorce and custody proceedings filed on or after May 1, 2004, and in such other cases as the Court shall direct, where the interests of children under the age of 18 years are involved, the parties shall, within sixty (60) days of the date a claim is filed, attend a four-hour mandatory seminar entitled "Education Program for Separated Parents."2. In all custody/visitation proceedings filed on or after May 1, 2004, each Notice Order and complaint shall include the additional information in accordance with Perry or Juniata County Civil 1915.15.3. In all divorce proceedings filed on or after May 1, 2004, where the parties have a child or children under the age of eighteen years, every complaint shall contain the additional information required by Perry or Juniata County Civil 1920.12. It shall also have attached thereto an Order directing attendance at the Seminar in the form set forth in Perry or Juniata County Civil 1920.12(3).4. The moving party shall serve the responding party with a copy of the Court Order directing attendance at the Seminar at the time a Divorce Complaint is served. A program brochure/registration form shall also be provided by the moving party to the responding party at the time of service of the complaint. A supply of said brochure/registration forms can be obtained in the Office of the Prothonotary or Court Administrator. 5. The affidavit of service shall include a statement that the opposing party was advised of the requirement to attend the "Education Program for Separated Parents" and served with the registration form.6. Within sixty (60) days after service, both parties are required to register and attend the program by mailing the pre-printed "Education Program for Separated Parents" registration form, along with a registration fee of $45.00 to Education Program for Separated Parents, Penn State Justice and Safety Institute, The Pennsylvania State University, 305 Lubert Building, Innovation Park at Penn State, University Park, PA 16802-7009. Any requests for waiver or reduction of attendance fee can only be granted by Penn State.7. Court approval is required for an extension of time to complete the seminar. Said requests for extension shall be made in writing and forwarded to Court Administration.8. Failure to register and complete the program will be brought to the attention of the Court and may result in a finding of contempt and the imposition of sanctions.Amended effective 5/5/2005.