Jun. Cnty. Pa. VII
Click here to view image In compliance with the LAP for the UJS, this judicial district inputs all data regarding use of interpreters and provision of other language access services into Language Access Data Collection ("LADC"), the statewide system for tracking this data.
Click here to view image In addition, this judicial district utilizes the "special consideration" feature in MDJS and CPCMS to indicate the need for an interpreter for cases in those systems.
Click here to view image The judicial district uses the following system to mark case files and scheduling documents with an "interpreter needed" designation, so that there is an automatic mechanism to trigger arrangements for an interpreter throughout the life cycle of a given case. Please describe below what system this district is using:
Juniata and Perry counties indicate "interpreter needed" in their civil and family case management systems where applicable. |
Jun. Cnty. Pa. VII