Rule 3.4 - Form Of Petition, Exhibits, Consents(a) Form. Additional Requirements.(1)Typing, Endorsements. Every pleading shall be typewritten, double spaced, or printed and shall be endorsed with the name of counsel appearing in court.(2)Verification. When used in reference to a written statement of fact by the signer, means supported by oath or affirmation or made subject to the penalties of 18 Pa.G.S. § 4904 relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.(3)Decree. Every decree shall bear the caption of the case.(b)(2)Consents and Exhibits.(i) The petition shall set forth the names and addresses of all persons who are parties in interest in the subject matter of the petition, and shall have attached thereto the consents of all persons who have consented to the petition. The court may direct that a rule be issued upon persons who have not consented to show cause why the prayer of the petition should not be granted.(ii) In addition to the requirements of Pa. O.C. 3.4(b) the petitioner shall also attach to the petition correct copies of all wills and contracts and shall cite the place of recording of all deeds, mortgages, or other instruments recorded, entered or filed in Jefferson County, or any other, county, which pertain to the petition.