Rule 205.2 (a) - Filing Legal Papers With the ProthonotaryLegal papers submitted to the Prothonotary shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) The first page shall set forth the case caption, case number, and the name, identification number, address and telephone number ofthe attorney and law firm or pro se party submitting the legal papers. This page also shall identify the moving party.(2) All originals shall be marked "Original." Copies shall be marked "Copy." Where a party seeks a court order, the party shall file an Original and Copy with the Prothonotary.(3) Tabs shall be placed at the bottom of all exhibits and appendices.(4) The name of each person signing a legal paper shall be typed beneath the person's signature. (5) Any legal papers not original process shall include a Certificate of Service setting forth the date, manner, and person served with a copy of the legal papers.