Rule 206.4(C) - Issuance Of Rule To Show Cause(1) A rule to show cause shall issue as a matter of course pursuant to Pa.R.C.P. 206.6.(2) The procedure following the issuance of the rule to show cause shall be in accordance with 206.7, Pa.R.C.P.(3) To secure a rule to show cause, the original petition shall be submitted to the Court Administrator of Huntingdon County and must be accompanied by a proposed order in the format prescribed by 206.6(c). The Court Administrator shall establish a rule returnable date, and a hearing date if appropriate, and thereafter present the petition and order to the President Judge for consideration. If the President Judge executes the order, the Court Administrator shall file the original petition and rule to show cause with the Clerk of Court. Counsel for the petitioner shall be responsible for securing service of the pleading in accord with the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure. If the petition seeks a stay or if there is a demand for emergency relief, petitioner shall notify in advance opposing counsel or any unrepresented party of the date and time of presentation to the Court Administrator.