Frank. Cnty. Pa. 39-7004.3
Neither the Prothonotary, Register of Wills, Clerk of Courts Recorder of Deeds, nor the Sheriff shall make any erasure of any matter erroneously entered in any entry book, docket, mortgage or deed book, will book or other official record. Any erroneous entry shall be struck therefrom in red ink in such manner as to leave the stricken matter legible and the correct entry inserted. Upon the making of any such correction the officer making the same shall note the date of such making. In the event that any such officer shall inadvertently omit to make an entry and subsequently another entry shall be made, the omitted entry may be placed upon the record but it shall not be inserted between the two other entries unless the officer shall note on the record that it was so made together with the date thereof.
Frank. Cnty. Pa. 39-7004.3