Rule 590 - Pleas And Plea Agreements(a) The Court will be available for the purpose of taking guilty or nolo contendere pleas from time-to-time as designated by the Court Administrator, which dates shall always include each afternoon when settlement conferences are held and immediately after the call of each criminal trial list.(b) After pleas are taken following the call of the trial list, the Court will not accept any plea for a case on that criminal list unless said plea is a straight plea as charged and in no way is a negotiated plea even for the purposes of a sentencing recommendation by the District Attorney.(c) The Court may waive this prohibition against late plea agreements only if both parties agree and have shown good cause for doing so to the Court. In the event the Court does find good cause shown and agrees to take the negotiated plea, such plea may be taken at that time or the case may be continued by the Court for the plea to be taken at another date as the Court may direct.