Rule 1915.3 - Commencement of Action(a) In all cases involving claims for custody, partial custody, or visitation, a conference before the Court Hearing Officer shall be held except where the interest of justice would otherwise require.(b) A proposed order shall be attached to the complaint or petition directing the Defendant to appear at a time and place specified. The proposed order shall be substantially in the form provided by Rule L1915.15(c).(c) The Court Hearing Officer shall have authority to grant continuances.(d) At any time during the course of the proceedings, the Court or the Court Hearing Officer, sua sponte or upon application of any party, may hold a status conference, in person or by any other means permitted by these rules, with counsel or with counsel and the parties in order to review the case status and expedite the litigation.Amended effective 1/14/2014 and 1/24/2014.