Rule 4007 - Requests for Transcripts(A) All requests for transcripts shall be set forth on a standardized form provided by the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts. The "Request for Transcript or Copy" form is available in the office or on the website of the Administrative Office of Fayette County Courts. The form shall indicate the current rates authorized to be charged for transcripts under these rules.(B) For an ordinary transcript, the party requesting a full or partial transcript of a trial or other proceeding shall file the original request with the Administrative Office of Fayette County Courts.(C) The production of daily, expedited, same day or rough draft transcripts are only available at the discretion of the court reporter.(D) When a litigant requests a transcript, (1) the district court administrator shall request the court reporter to estimate the transcript cost. The ordering party shall make partial payment in the amount of seventy-five percent (75%) of the estimated transcript cost. All payments are nonrefundable and shall be made by money order, certified check, or check from an attorney payable to the County of Fayette and delivered to the Administrative Office of Fayette County Courts. No payments shall be made to the court reporter.(2) upon receipt of the deposit by the Administrative Office of Fayette County Courts, the court reporter shall prepare the transcript.(3) the court reporter shall notify the ordering party and the district court administrator of the completion of the transcript and of the final balance due.(4) upon payment of any balance owed to the Administrative Office of Fayette County Courts, the court reporter shall deliver the original transcript to the appropriate filing office and a copy for the ordering party in the form requested to the district court administrator.(E) When a transcript is requested for which the court or county is responsible for the cost, the court reporter shall prepare the transcript without the necessity of a deposit.Adopted January 12, 2017, effective 3/6/2017.