Rule 2.10 - Foreign Heirs And Unknown Distributees. Report By Fiduciary(b) The report required by Pa.O.C. 2.10(b) shall be submitted at the audit to the Court and the Auditor and shall include substantially the following: (1)Unknown Distributee. If it appears that the existence, identity orwhereabouts of a distributee is unknown, or there are no known heirs, the fiduciary shall submit the written report, verified by the fiduciary or the fiduciary's counsel, in which shall be set forth: (i) The nature of the investigation made to locate the heirs of the decedent, in complete detail; and(ii) In cases of intestacy, or where there are no known heirs, a family tree, as complete as possible under the circumstances, supported by such documentary evidence as the fiduciary has been able to obtain. The term "investigation", as used in this Rule, shall include inquiry of or to as many of the following as may be pertinent and feasible: residents of the household in which the decedent resided; friends and neighbors; beneficial organizations; insurance records; church membership; school records; social security, Veterans' Administration or military service records; naturalization records, if not native born; and such other sources of information as the circumstances may suggest. (2) Foreign Distributees. If the fiduciary requests the Court to withhold distribution to a foreign distributee, he or she shall submit the written report, verified by the fiduciary or the fiduciary's counsel, in which shall be set forth: (i) the relationship of the distributee to the decedent, and any available information concerning his/her present whereabouts; (ii) in cases of intestacy, a family tree, as complete as possible under the circumstances, supported by such documentary evidence as the fiduciary has been able to obtain; and (iii) the reasons for the request that distribution be withheld, and the suggested manner of withholding.