Rule 541 - WAIVER OF PRELIMINARY HEARING: FILING FOR EXPEDITED A.R.DA.Expedited A.R.D. An Original application for entry into the Expedited Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition ("Expedited A.RD.") program may be filed with the Magisterial District Judge who is assigned to preside over the preliminary hearing. The Magisterial District Judge shall forward the application to the Clerk of Courts and the Criminal Court Administrator. A sample application is set forth herein. Note - Expedited A.R.D. applies only to DUI cases that meet the following minimum criteria:
(1) The BAC must be no greater than .30%; (2) The defendant must have no criminal history exclusive of summary offenses; and (3) The case must not involve a motor vehicle accident.Amended effective 4/5/2008; amended effective 6/1/2021.