Rule 302 - PROCEDURE FOR ATTORNEY CHANGES1. If, prior to or at the arraignment, another attorney files an appearance, or files any papers on behalf of the defendant (including signing the rights sheet) that attorney will be listed as the attorney of record. It would not be necessary, in that instance, for the previous attorney to file a motion to withdraw as counsel. If no attorney files an appearance or represents the defendant at the arraignment, the previous attorney will need to file a motion to withdraw.2. After the arraignment, any attorney who is listed as attorney of record will have to file a motion, with the Court, requesting permission to withdrawn from the case. If the original attorney has not presented a motion to withdraw, both his/her name and the name of any attorney filing an appearance will be listed on the daily court schedule.3. This procedure will apply to the public defender except when the change is merely from one public defender to another.4. When a new attorney takes over a case, it is the responsibility of the previous attorney to notify new counsel of any upcoming hearings, trial subpoenas, etc. If the defendant was previously pro se, it is the responsibility of the Criminal Court Administrator to notify new counsel of the above.Amended effective 6/1/2021.