Rule 305 - DUTIES OF THE PROTHONOTARY(a)(1) The Prothonotary shall immediately stamp all papers filed with the date and time of such filings and make an appropriate entry for each filing in the docket pursuant to applicable rules of procedure, statute or Court Order. No entries shall be made in the docket except at the direction of the Prothonotary.(2) The Prothontary, duly authorized court personnel, and under the supervision of the Prothonotary, attorneys, pro se litigants and members of the public shall be permitted access to the files.(3) No entries shall be made in the docket except at the direction of the Prothonotary.(b) The Prothonotary shall be responsible for the safekeeping of all records and papers belonging to that office. The Prothonotary shall permit no papers to be taken from the office without order of Court except for temporary removal by an attorney for the purpose of conducting an arbitration, for copying within the Court House or other recognized Court purpose. Those removing papers from the file of the Court shall sign them out on a form used for that purpose and shall be responsible for damages arising from any loss.(c) The Prothonotary shall not accept for filing any paper filed by a person which shall not have endorsed thereon the address and telephone number of the person filing the paper. The Prothonotary shall consecutively number the cases each year.(d) In the litigation involving the validity of a municipal lien, upon motion of either party, the matter shall be transferred, from the municipal liens docket to the appearance docket and given a term and number by the Prothonotary.(e) In all appeals to the Court from a municipal zoning board or municipalities, when said appeal has been returned to said board or municipality by the Court, should the matter then be returned to Court, it will retain the same docket number as it had on the original appeal.Amended effective 7/1/2020; amended effective 8/1/2022.