Rule 1910.16-1 - ALIMONY PENDENTE LITE(a) All Motions and Petitions for alimony pendente lite, modification or termination thereof including counsel fees, shall be filed with the Domestic Relations Office.(b) The Domestic Relations Office shall make a recommendation as to alimony pendente lite pursuant to the procedures of Erie County Local rules and Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure 1910.11 and 1910.12 which shall be determined in accordance with support guidelines, Pennsylvania Rule of Civil Procedure 1910.16-2 and as a formula in Rule 1910.16-5.(c) All Motions and Petitions for alimony pendente lite, modification, termination, or exceptions therefrom shall be subject to fees as established by the Domestic Relations Office.Amended effective 7/1/2020; amended effective 8/1/2022.COMMENT
A count for Alimony Pendente Lite in a Divorce Complaint does not activate the processing of that claim. The filing of a Petition for Alimony Pendente Lite in the Domestic Relations Office pursuant to Rule 1910.16-1 activates that claim and establishes the effective date of the claim.