Del. Cnty. Pa. 531(e)

As amended through July 15, 2018
Rule 531(e) - Corporate Surety.

Pennsylvania Rule of Criminal Procedure 528(D)(5) recognizes the surety bond of a surety company authorized to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as an acceptable form of security to satisfy the full amount of the monetary condition of a defendant's release on bail. of the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure permits, by local rule of Court, additional requirement to be imposed on surety companies approved by the Court. This Regulation sets forth the additional requirement imposed by this Judicial District on corporate sureties and their agents

1.Applicability. This Regulation applies to any corporate surety and its agents seeking to post a bond in satisfaction of the full amount of the monetary condition of a defendant's release on bail.
2.Definitions. For purposes of this Regulation:

A "Corporate Surety" is any corporation, limited liability corporation or partnership which engages in the business of providing bail, providing or soliciting bail undertakings, or providing or soliciting indemnity or court indemnity to others on bail undertakings.

3.Requirements for Approval. To become qualified to act as a corporate surety, or agent thereof, with respect to the posting of bail bonds in the Thirty Second Judicial District of Pennsylvania, a corporate surety and its agents must:
a) Present satisfactory proof that the corporate surety is licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Insurance to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, registered with the Department of State, and in full compliance with 42 Pa.C.S. § 5743.1.
b) Every corporate surety shall keep at its office the usual and customary records'pertaining to transactions authorized by its license and/or the license of any of its agents, including, but not limited to, such records of bail bonds executed or countersigned by the corporate surety to enable the court to obtain all necessary information concerning such bail bonds for at least 3 years after the liability of the surety has been terminated. Such records must be open at all times to examination, inspection, and copying by the court or its representative, and the court may at any time require the corporate surety to furnish it, in such manner or form as the court requires, any information concerning the bail bond business of the corporate surety;
c) Certify that neither the corporate surety, nor its employees or agents, have been convicted of any criminal offense. The certification must be based on a criminal history search conducted by the Pennsylvania State Police for each employee or agent, and a copy of the search results must be attached to the list of employees or agents and certification submitted with the petition required by 5 of this Regulation. The on-line quick search/background check is not acceptable. Conviction of a corporate surely, or any of its employees or agents, will render the corporate surety ineligible to conduct business in the 32nd Judicial District.
d) Post with the Office of Judicial Support as security the minimum sum of $50,000 in United States currency or unencumbered securities of the United States Government, which will entitle the corporate surety to post bond in the aggregate sum of $500,000 or post $75,000 in US currency or unencumbered securities of the US Government, which will entitle the corporate surety to post bond in the amount of $ 1,000,000, and by further posting the sum required for each individual bond or undertaking with the bail authority. Provided, however, that the corporate surety must post additional security with the Office of Judicial Support in the event the corporate surety intends to post bond in excess of $1,000,000. The additional security to be posted with the Office of Judicial Support must be in units of $50,000 which will entitle the corporate surety to post bond in the additional sum of $1,000,000 per unit. No interest will be paid on any deposits;
e) Provide a financial statement certified by a Certified Public Accountant which verifies that the corporate surety has sufficient assets to satisfy all bail obligations undertaken by or on behalf of the corporate surety in the Delaware County and in other jurisdictions in which the corporate surety conducts business. A current certified statement must be filed with the petition required in 5 of this Regulations;
f) Certify that only the corporate surety, which is approved by the President Judge of the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas, or his designee, upon petition as provided in this Regulation, may post bail for criminal defendant, in the name exactly as it appears on the surety's license, and not in the name of any agent or other business entity;
g) Certify full compliance with the training and education requirements set forth in 6 of this Regulation;
h) Upon approval of the petition required in 5 of this Regulation, register with Delaware County and pay to the Office of Judicial Support an initial registration fee of $400 plus any applicable filing fee, or such amount as may be established from time to time by the 32nd Judicial District, and County Council;
i) Certify that neither the corporate surety nor any agent or employee of such surety, will represent itself, directly or indirectly, as an employee or agent of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or Delaware County. The employees and agents of the corporate surety must not wear clothing or present badges or any other form of law enforcement credentials that create the impression of employment of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Delaware County or any of its units, including the Pretrial Services Unit or the Warrant Unit of Delaware County;
j) Each applicant or licensee shall provide to the District Attorney such information as may be required concerning its business practices or business methods, or proposed business practices or methods, as a Corporate Surety. The Solicitor of Delaware County shall also be served with a copy of this information.
k) Certify that the corporate surety, its agents and employees are in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, rales of court and procedures and that neither the corporate surety nor any of its agents or employees are under suspension or revocation in any jurisdiction.
4.Standards of Conduct. To remain qualified to post bond in Delaware County, the corporate surety and its agents must:
a) Maintain compliance with the requirements specified in 3 of this Regulation;
b) Provide quarterly statements certified by the corporate surety that it is in compliance with the security posting requirements specified in 3 of this regulation;
c) Provide, on a quarterly basis, or as often as requested by the Common Pleas Court President Judge, or his designee, a financial statement certified by a Certified Public Accountant which verifies that the corporate surety has sufficient assets to satisfy all bail obligations undertaken by the corporate surety and all agents acting on its behalf in Delaware County and in other jurisdictions in which the corporate surety conducts business;
d) Immediately notify, in writing, the Common Pleas President Judge, or his designee, and the Office of Judicial Support, if the corporate surety, or any of its employees or agents, has been charged with any criminal offense, or if its license or the license of any of its agents has been revoked, suspended or not renewed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or any other jurisdiction;
e) Certify continued full compliance with the training and education requirements set forth in 6 of this Regulation;
f) Annually renew their registration with Delaware County, provide all certifications required by this Regulation and pay to the Office of Judicial Support an annual renewal registration fee of $200, on or before the anniversary date of the initial authorization to post bail, or such amount as may be established from time to time by the 32nd Judicial District and County Council.
g) Each applicant or licensee shall provide to the District Attorney such information as may be required concerning its business practices or business methods, or proposed business practices or methods, as a Corporate Surety. The Solicitor of Delaware County shall also be served with a copy of this information.
h) Fully comply with all statutes, laws, regulations, rales of court and procedures as may be established from time to time.
5.Process to be Utilized in Seeldng Approval as a Corporate Surety.

Any corporate surety which is licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Insurance may seek approval to post bail in Delaware County by filing a petition and paying the filing fee with the Office of Judicial Support. The petition must provide the information, documents and certifications set forth in 4 of this Regulation. Upon filing, the petition shall be assigned to the President Judge, or his designee for determination.

6.Training and Continuing Education.

To register as a corporate surety desiring to post bail in Delaware County, the corporate surety must certify that all employees and agents who will write any bail on its behalf in Delaware County, not less than thirty (30) hours of education in subjects pertinent to the duties and responsibilities of corporate sureties, including, but not limited to, all laws and regulations relating thereto, the criminal justice system, rights of the accused, bail bond industry ethics, prohibited conduct and apprehension of bail fugitives. Additionally, a corporate surety desiring to post bail in Delaware County must certify that all employees and agents who will write any bail on its behalf in Delaware County have satisfactorily completed not less than eight (8) hours of continuing education in these subjects during the year preceding any renewal of its registration in Delaware County.

7.Bail Piece Procedure. Whenever a bail piece is used pursuant to Pa.R.Crim.P. 536(B)(2) and the defendant is apprehended by or on behalf of the corporate surety or its agents, the defendant must be brought to the George W. Hill Correctional Facility or such other location as designated by a Common Pleas Judge of the 32nd Judicial District after the filing of a petition or presentation of a warrant.
8.Review and Monitoring. The District Attorney of Delaware County shall be served with a copy of any petition filed pursuant to this Joint General Court Regulation and shall have the continuing power to investigate the qualification, training, character, and integrity of any Corporate Surety that seeks leave of Court to post bail for criminal defendants as provided in this Regulation, as well as the business practices and business methods of any corporate surety and its Agents who have been approved to post bail as Corporate Surety of as an Agent for the Corporate Surety in Delaware County and may, as appropriate, request, for good cause, denial or revocation of permission to post bail for criminal defendants in Delaware County. The Solicitor of Delaware County shall also be served with a copy of the petition.

Failure to comply with any provision of this rule may result in suspension and the freezing of the surety account.

Del. Cnty. Pa. 531(e)