Daup. Cnty. Pa. 5002

As amended through November 21, 2022
Rule 5002 - Money Paid Into Court
(1) Whenever money is either ordered or permitted to be paid into the Court of Common Pleas, pendente lite, except such payments as are required or permitted pursuant to D.C.R.D.J. 1008B hereof, payment shall be made in cash, or by certified check, cashier's check or money order drawn to the order of the Court, to in such form as is acceptable to the Court.
(2) In all cases where moneys arising from any source shall be paid into Court in accordance with Rule 5002(1) hereof, the Court may, upon the application of any party appearing by the record to be prima facie entitled to said fund, order the same to be invested pendente lite in such securities as are legal for trust funds, subject to the decree of the Court.

Daup. Cnty. Pa. 5002