As amended through November 21, 2022
Rule *4006 - Standard Interrogatories/Documents Requests(a) The Court from time to time may approve sets of standard interrogatories and/or document requests. Each such set shall be approved by a standing order, to remain in effect and apply to all civil actions then pending or filed thereafter until vacated or superseded by a new standing order.(b) Interrogatories and document requests included within such standing orders, when served in an appropriate civil action, are presumptively permissible and not subject to objection on any of these bases: relevance, materiality, burden, expense, vagueness, or lack of clarity.(c) Counsel are admonished to select only useful items from the standard interrogatories and document requests, and not to serve them as a group in every case. The forty-question limit of Local 4005 shall not be modified by this provision; each interrogatory chosen from the set of standard interrogatories shall count as one of the forty questions.(d) The Prothonotary and the Dauphin County Bar Association shall maintain for public inspection the text of the current approved set of standard interrogatories and document requests, and further shall make copies of the same available for purchase at a reasonable charge.