Rule 206.4(c) - Petition Procedure. to Show Cause(A) The procedure specified in Pennsylvania Rule of Civil Procedure 206.5 is adopted to govern petition practice in Clinton County. The issuance of a Rule to Show cause shall be discretionary with the Court in accordance with that Rule.(B) The provisions of this rule shall not be applicable to Preliminary Objections.(C) After a petition has been time-stamped in the Prothonotary's Office, such petition may be presented to the Court as follows:(1) Any petition may be presented to an available Judge at 8:30 A.M. on any business day or in open court immediately preceding or following any court proceeding.(2) Any petition may be delivered to the Court Administrator who shall refer the petition to the appropriate judge.(D) All petitions shall contain a certification by counsel that concurrence in the petition has been sought and that such concurrence has been given or denied. Counsel shall take reasonable steps to secure such concurrence or non-concurrence. Concurrence need not be sought of pro se parties. Certification shall be on a separate piece of paper, attached to the petition at the end thereof. If concurrence or non-concurrence cannot be secured after reasonable efforts, the petition may be filed without said certification, but the petitioner shall thereafter have a continuing duty to file such a certification within a reasonable time.(E) The Petitioner shall attach to the Petition a proposed order substantially in the form set forth in Pa.R.C.P. No. 206.5(d).(F) At the time the petition is time-stamped, a copy of the petition, together with a copy of the proposed order, shall be served in accordance with Pa.R.C.P. No. 440. It shall be presumed that members of the Clinton County Bar agree that their mailbox in the Prothonotary's Office is designated as an appropriate place for service unless they note otherwise on the first page of their pleading.(G) Any Petition which is insufficient on its face will be returned unsigned to the Prothonotary without further notice to counsel.Amended effective 12/4/2023.