Chest. Cnty. Ct. Comm. Plea. R. 220.A(2)(b)
Any juvenile (a person who is less than eighteen (18) years of age) taken into custody pursuant to a bench warrant issued for failure to pay support shall be transported to the Chester County Youth Center (Youth Center) for detention until the bench warrant is quashed or a court of common pleas judge holds a seventy-two (72) hour hearing for the juvenile. In the event that the judge determines that further detention is warranted, the juvenile shall remain in the Youth Center. Under no circumstances shall such a juvenile be incarcerated in the Chester County Prison. The Youth Center shall immediately notify the appropriate supervisor of the Chester County Domestic Relations Office (DRO) to apprise the DRO of the juvenile's detention. Upon such notice, the DRO shall promptly perform all functions that it normally performs for incarcerated support defendants, including the scheduling of a seventy-two (72) hour hearing for the juvenile before a judge.
Chest. Cnty. Ct. Comm. Plea. R. 220.A(2)(b)