Rule 205.2(a) - Size And Other Physical Characteristics Of Papers And Other DocumentsPapers and other documents filed in this court, except original or true copies of exhibits, shall be on paper approximating eight and one-half (81/2) inches by eleven (11) inches in size. Any paper or other document filed shall be sufficient as to format and other physical characteristics if it substantially complies with the following requirements:
(1) Prepared on white paper (except for covers, dividers, and similar sheets) of good quality with typed or printed matter six and one-half (61/2) inches by nine and one-half (91/2) inches.(2) The first sheet shall contain a three (3) inch space from the top of the paper for all court stampings, filings notices, etc.(3) The lettering or typeface shall be clearly legible and shall not be smaller than 14 point word processing font or, if typewritten, shall not be smaller than pica. The text must be double-spaced, but quotations more than two lines long may be indented and single-spaced. Headings and footnotes may be single-spaced. The font type and size used in footnotes shall be the same as that used in the body of the brief. Margins must be at least one inch on all four sides. Page numbers may be placed in the margins, but no text may appear there.(4) The lettering or typeface shall be on only one (1) side of a page, except that exhibits and similar supporting documents may be lettered on both sides of a page.(5) All papers and other documents filed in this court shall be securely fastened with a staple in the upper left hand corner.(6) Exhibits to a brief or motion shall accompany the brief or motion and shall be marked/labeled at the bottom of the page.(7) A proposed order shall accompany each motion or other request for relief, but shall not be fastened together.(8) Each motion and each brief shall be a separately bound document.(9) All original documents shall be marked "original." All copies shall be marked "copy." Where there is more than one case number referenced on a filing, an original document must be filed to each case number.(10) Any document signed by an attorney for filing shall contain under the signature line the name, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address (if applicable) and Pennsylvania or other state bar identification number. When listing the bar identification number, the state's postal abbreviation shall be used as a prefix (e.g., PA 12345, NY 246810).