Rule 1915.4-3.1 - Approval of Interim Custody Orders; Exceptions and Reconsideration of Interim Custody OrdersA. The recommended interim custody order of the conciliator prepared in accordance with 1915.4-3 (I)(3) shall be submitted to the court for approval, signature, and entry of record.B. No exceptions may be filed to an interim custody order. Any matter not stipulated to at the custody conciliation conference may be reviewed at the pre-trial conference or resolved at the custody trial.C. Should a significant change in circumstances arise after entry of an interim custody order and before the pre-trial conference necessitating a modification of the interim custody order, which modification cannot be amicably agreed upon pending the pre-trial conference, either party may file a motion for reconsideration of the interim order, setting forth all pertinent facts in support thereof and verified by the filing party. The Court Administrator shall refer such motion to the conciliator. Based on the allegations of the motion, the conciliator may take any one or more of the following actions deemed appropriate under the circumstances: (1) recommend an order by the Court summarily denying the motion; (2) hold a telephone or other conference with both parties; (3) after providing the opposing party an opportunity to respond, recommend a modified interim custody order to the Court; or (4) direct that the matter be resolved at the pre-trial conference.Cent. Cnty. Pa. 1915.4-3.1
Added November 16, 2023 effective 1/2/2024.