A. Except for motions made orally during a trial or hearing, all motions shall be written, shall contain a caption setting forth the name of the court, the number of the action, and the names of the parties, and shall have affixed upon the front page of the motion, the name, address and Supreme Court ID number of the filing attorney. All motions which are or may be contested shall include a proposed order scheduling argument. The proposed order shall include the name, address and Supreme Court ID number of the filing attorney. The proposed order shall not be physically attached to the motion.B. All motions shall be filed in the Prothonotary's Office. Upon filing, the Prothonotary's Office shall transmit a copy of the motion, along with the proposed scheduling order, to the Court Administrator.C. Following the scheduling of the motion, the copy of the motion and original and copy of the order to show cause shall be submitted to the Prothonotary's Office for filing and docketing and conforming of a copy of the scheduling order. A copy of said conformed order shall be transmitted by the Prothonotary to the moving party for service. D. The moving party shall file an affidavit of service, noting the date, method of service, and parties served.Adopted 1/10/2005, Effective 1/20/2005, Amended 4/11/2011, Effective 6/20/2011.