Rule 4007.1 - Requests For Transcripts(A) All requests for transcripts shall be submitted on a form provided by the Court Administrator which will include rates charged for transcripts. The form can be downloaded from the Blair County website at For an ordinary transcript, defined as necessary for an appeal or to otherwise advance litigation, the party requesting the full or partial transcript of a trial or other proceeding shall file the original request with the District Court Administrator's Office at 423 Allegheny Street, STE 239, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648.(C) Requests for daily, expedited or same day transcripts shall be filed in the District Court Administrator's Office at least 10 days prior to the proceeding. Copies of the written request shall be delivered as required by subsection (B). In the event of an emergency, a party may request by oral motion a daily or expedited transcript.(D) When a litigant requests a transcript, (1) The litigant ordering the transcript shall make payment in the amount of 90% of the estimated total cost of the transcript which will be communicated to them by the court reporting personnel or District Court Administrator's Office within 10 days of the request. Payment by self-represented litigants shall be made by money order only. Checks or money orders are to be made payable to the County of Blair and shall be delivered to the District Court Administrator's Office. Cash shall not be accepted by the District Court Administrator's Office.
(2) The court reporting personnel assigned to the proceeding shall be directed by the District Court Administrator or designee to prepare the transcript.(3) The court reporting personnel shall notify the ordering party and the District Court Administrator or designee upon completion of the transcript and shall indicate the balance due if any.(4) Checks or money orders for the final balance are to be made payable to the County of Blair and shall be delivered to the District Court Administrator's Office. Upon payment of the balance owed, the court reporting personnel shall file the original transcript in the appropriate filing office with copies made and delivered to the appropriate litigants.
(E) When a litigant requests an ordinary transcript, but cannot pay for the transcript because of alleged economic hardship, the President Judge shall determine economic hardship pursuant to Bl.C.L.RJ.A. 4008.1(B). In cases of economic hardship where there is no appeal pending or a transcript is not needed to advance litigation, the requesting party must demonstrate reasonable need before the court shall waive or adjust the cost of obtaining the transcript.