No record of any of the courts, no opinion filed therein, and no paper filed in any cause or proceeding, shall be taken from the custody of the prothonotary or clerk of courts without a written order of a judge stipulating for the return of the same to the prothonotary or clerk of courts within a specified time, and in every case, the prothonotary or clerk of courts shall take a receipt for such record or paper from the person to whom he/she delivers it, to be attached to said order and retained until the record or paper is returned; but in cases before arbitrators, commissioners, viewers or masters, the prothonotary or clerk of courts, on application of such parties, shall deliver to them or him/her the pleadings, commissions, depositions or other exhibits or papers filed in the case, taking their or his/her written receipt therefor, stipulating for the return of the same to the custody of the prothonotary or clerk of courts when the award is made or the duties of the appointment or commission are otherwise terminated. In the case of judges, the prothonotary or clerk of courts may simply note on his record the name of the judge having custody thereof. The date of the return of the records shall also be noted on the same record.
Berk. Cnty. Pa. 400